Friday 1 June 2012

Needs - our wish list (non-essential items)

We would love to upgrade our office, and install a real bookshelf instead of using carboard and bricks to balance our files. As you can see we keep good records of how we spend the money that is donated to us.

Current file storage in office

We have three computers, but two have broken and are beyond repair. A new computer would really help our administrators. The printer we use is on loan from Sam Maphari, one of the founders of Dzanani.

The only computer that works here

  • ·          music system (to be used by the children on afternoons when they do cultural dancing and drama)
  • ·         large deep freeze (to store food)
  • ·         computer, printer, office table, chairs and bookshelf
  • ··        netball hoop (so that the girls can play netball)
  • ·         soccer balls (so that they boys can play soccer)
  • ·         kit for soccer team and netball team
  • ·         school uniform (all sizes): 
    • grey, black or khakhi trousers
    • white, khakhi or powder blue shirts
    • black lace-up shoes
    • black, grey or white socks
      This is the open yard where the children play soccer and netball

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